NACWA Board Approves New Advocacy Projects, Document on Climate & Resiliency Principles
(July 31, 2017) – As part of NACWA’s Utility Leadership Conference & Annual Meeting last week in Boston, MA, the Association’s Board of Directors approved three new initiatives that will continue to advance the Association’s clean water advocacy objectives. The projects are as follows:
- Additional Targeted Action Fund (TAF) resources to support NACWA’s continued engaged with Congress on the 2018 Farm Bill. These resources will help to ensure that NACWA’s Farm Bill priorities – including great focus on conservation practices and holistic watershed approaches to improve water quality – are included in the final legislation.
New TAF funding to conduct data collection and analysis to help public clean water utilities comply with EPA’s sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) regulations for air emissions.
Approval for NACWA to participate in litigation supporting the use of water quality trading to help achieve nutrient reductions and water quality improvement.
The Board also approved a document outlining NACWA’s Statement of Principles on Climate Adaptation & Resiliency. The document, which was developed over the past year by the Association’s Climate & Resiliency Committee, outlines a set of principles which will guide NACWA’s work and advocacy engagement on climate and resiliency issues going forward.
Members with any questions about the Board actions can contact Nathan Gardner-Andrews, NACWA’s Chief Advocacy Officer.