President Calls for $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Investment
(January 31, 2018) – In his State of the Union Address last night, President Trump committed to supporting a plan that would generate $1.5 trillion for infrastructure investment. In an important development, the President also committed to working closely with state and local governments to invest this money – recognizing the key role that local government agencies like NACWA utility members must play to make significant infrastructure investment a reality. NACWA looks forward to working with the Trump Administration and Congress to advance a comprehensive infrastructure package.
However, as expressed in a press release, NACWA is disappointed that the speech did not include a specific reference to drinking water and clean water systems as needed recipients of federal investment. President Trump campaigned on a pledge to triple funding for the clean water and drinking water State Revolving Funds, and NACWA looks forward to working with the Administration and Congress to achieve that goal.
NACWA eagerly awaits additional details from the White House on its infrastructure plan in the near future and will report to the membership on any developments. The Association stands ready to work with Congress and the Administration to guarantee that drinking water and clean water are a critical piece of a comprehensive infrastructure bill, sufficiently prioritizing our country’s very serious water needs. Now is the time to elevate water as a national priority.