NACWA Brings Clean Water Message to New England
(January 31, 2018) - NACWA provided an important national advocacy perspective during the Government Affairs Committee meeting at the annual conference of the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) on January 22, in Boston, MA. This participation also allowed NACWA to connect with one of the Association’s key regional partners.
NACWA’s General Counsel, Amanda Waters, and Claudio Ternieden, Senior Director of Government Affairs & Strategic Partnerships for the Water Environment Federation (WEF), provided a joint update on Water Week 2018 and the National Water Policy Fly-In. The Fly-In is a collaborative offering of NACWA, WEF, WateReuse, and the Water Research Foundation that will provide opportunities for engagement with EPA, other Administration officials, and Members of Congress. NEWEA is a supporting organization of Water Week and NACWA applauds their active participation.
Waters also gave a brief update on a number of current NACWA advocacy priorities, including integrated planning, affordability, the Trump Administration’s infrastructure plan, and the Farm Bill. Waters then discussed several priority legal matters impacting the clean water sector in New England including the Long Island Sound Nitrogen Strategy and the Massachusetts/New Hampshire small MS4 permit challenge. Waters closed her update with the announcement that NACWA will be hosting a Region 1 Forum to coincide with the Utility Leadership Conference & 48th Annual Meeting, which will be held in Boston July 23-26. Additional details will be available soon.
NACWA thanks NEWEA for the opportunity to participate in the meeting and is always interested in speaking with state and regional clean water groups around the country. If you are interested in a NACWA presence at your state or regional meeting, please contact Erica Spitzig, NACWA’s Deputy General Counsel.