Clean Water Current
NACWA Takes Clean Water Message on the Road
(January 29, 2020) – Representatives from NACWA travelled to Palm Springs, CA last week to participate in the California Association of Sanitation Agencies’ (CASA) Winter Conference and speak about the incredible value of the collaboration between the two organizations. NACWA looked back to the many accomplishments this collaboration has yielded, including increased federal funding for the State Revolving Funds (SRFs), the new WIFIA loan program, water reuse funding, and new workforce and stormwater funding programs, among many others.
NACWA also congratulated CASA on helping to secure amendments to the Clean Water Act that have elevated integrated planning as a tool for municipalities as well as creating a Municipal Ombudsman’s Office within EPA’s Office of the Administrator. The critical role the CASA-NACWA partnership is playing on state legislation to keep wipes out of the sewer system and on emerging contaminant issues, such as PFAS and microplastics, was also discussed.
NACWA took the opportunity to congratulate Bobbi Larson on her retirement as CASA’s Executive Director and to recognize her for her unmatched service to California’s municipal clean water agencies, as well as her enduring spirit of collaboration that has helped shape the State’s and the Nation’s clean water landscape. Incoming Executive Director Adam Link was welcomed and NACWA looks forward to continuing to work closely with him and CASA.
In a related development, NACWA also participated this week in the Government Affairs Committee meeting at the New England Water Environment Association’s (NEWEA) annual conference in Boston. NACWA and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) gave a joint update on key national advocacy issues, including PFAS, affordability, blending, and federal appropriations for clean water. NACWA thanks NEWEA for the opportunity to participate and engage with New England utilities.