Clean Water Current
Muni Groups Press EPA on Integrated Planning Progress
(September 25, 2019) – NACWA joined with a coalition of other municipal government organizations on a letter last week to EPA asking about the Agency’s progress in implementing the recent landmark integrated planning legislation, which was signed into law earlier this year.
In the letter, the organizations ask EPA about its efforts to advise communities across the country on the ability to use integrated plans, what work the Agency is doing to help states become more comfortable with using integrated planning approaches, and how integrated planning concepts will be incorporated in Clean Water Act enforcement discussions going forward. The letter also asks for an update on EPA’s work to create and fill the new Office of Municipal Ombudsman, which was a key element of the legislation.
In addition to NACWA, other signatories on the letter include the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, the American Public Works Association, and the National Association of Regional Councils.
During discussions at WEFTEC this week, EPA officials indicated they had received the letter, were moving forward to implement the legislation as quickly as possible, and looked forward to meeting with the municipal coalition soon for further discussions. NACWA will keep the membership updated on developments. Please contact Nathan Gardner-Andrews, NACWA’s Chief Advocacy Officer, with any questions.