Clean Water Current
NACWA Participates in CIFA Water Infrastructure Investment Summit
(April 30, 2019) - NACWA participated in the Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA) 2019 Water Infrastructure Investment Summit last week, and was joined by EPA officials in a panel discussion about the importance and positive impact of the Integrated Planning law, which became law earlier this year.
Joined on the panel by Chris Kloss from EPA’s Office of Water, NACWA staff talked with CIFA members and State Revolving Fund (SRF) managers who were in the audience about the importance of Integrated Planning to communities and public clean water utilities, including how IP can be an efficient and effective long-term investment tool for building water infrastructure. Specifically, NACWA highlighted the value that integrated plans could have in state SRF authorities provide more loans to help communities invest in important clean water projects. NACWA also asked CIFA members, to the extent possible, to work collaboratively with their sister state permitting agencies to ensure that Integrated Planning is a well-utilized tool.
NACWA thanks CIFA for the opportunity to participate, and for its continued collaboration with the Association on issues that are important to the clean water sector. For more information or to discuss further, please contact NACWA’s Legislative Director, Jason Isakovic.