Clean Water Current
EPA Task Force Seeks Experts on Stormwater Funding and Financing, Members Encouraged to Apply
(April 10, 2019) – The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested nominations, on April 3, to the Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB) on stormwater funding and financing.
In response to congressional requirements in the 2018 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), EPA is establishing a Stormwater Task Force within EFAB and is seeking input on stormwater funding opportunities and examples. Specifically, EPA is looking for expert input on:
- Identifying how funding for stormwater infrastructure has been made available and used in each state to address stormwater infrastructure needs;
- Identifying how the source of funding affects the affordability of the infrastructure, including costs associated with financing the infrastructure; and
- Evaluating whether sources of funding are sufficient to support capital expenditures and long-term operation and maintenance costs.
EPA is asking for nominations by Friday, April 19. In May, the Agency will announce the 20 Task Force experts who will advise the EFAB in their first meeting, which is scheduled for June 6 in Washington, DC. The Stormwater Task Force will submit a funding report to EPA by December 6, 2019 and complete its service by April 2020.
EFAB usually meets twice a year with occasional conference calls. Travel reimbursement is available, subject to EPA funding availability.
NACWA is looking to nominate an expert to serve in this capacity. Please contact Emily Remmel, NACWA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs, by April 16 if you are interested or if you have any questions.