Clean Water Current
Water Week is Here, Join the Discussion on Social Media!
(April 2, 2019) – Hundreds of NACWA members, water sector leaders and water professionals from around the country are arriving in Washington DC this week to advocate with Congress and key national policy makers for clean water.
Among the advocacy “asks”—to be delivered through face-to-face meetings with Congressional Members during the National Water Policy Fly-In—are increases in funding for the State Revolving Fund (SRF), the Water Infrastructure Finance & Innovation Act (WIFIA), and the National Priorities Water Research Grant Program, and other federal water programs.
See the full list of requests to Congress in the Water Week One Pager.
It’s still not too late to lend your voice and participate! Follow the Fly-In action on Wednesday, April 3 and Thursday, April 4 live in real-time through NACWA’s Twitter Feed. Log in on your phone or computer and forward, like, comment and/or re-Tweet your support!
Now is the time to make your voice heard about the challenges your utility faces, and the need for the federal government to act as a partner in addressing them. Let’s all raise our voices together and elevate water as a national priority!