Clean Water Current
EPA Shuttered by Spending Impasse
(January 8, 2019) – EPA remains closed as part of the ongoing government shutdown caused by the inability of Congress and the White House to reach agreement on legislation to fund certain parts of the federal government.
EPA initially had remaining unspent funds from previous years to stay open past the original December 21 funding deadline, but later announced that it would be closing effective December 29 and furloughing the large majority of its workforce.
No agreement has emerged yet between Congress and the White House to revolve the funding impasse, although negotiations continue.
NACWA has not heard from any members suffering impacts from the EPA closure, and anticipates that given the large role states play in Clean Water Act regulation and funding, short-term impacts will be minimal for the municipal clean water community. However, if there are utilities that are being negatively impacted by the shutdown, NACWA would like to know. Please email Nathan Gardner-Andrews with any information or concerns.