
Clean Water Current

NACWA Discusses Priority Issues with EPA Staff

Sep 18, 2018

001_EPAwater_002(September 18, 2018) – NACWA met with senior staff from EPA’s Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) on September 12 to discuss a number of NACWA’s top advocacy issues, as well as receive an update on OWM’s current priorities.

A central part of the discussion was the recently released Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) from Congress, including new funding tools made available in the legislation.  EPA indicated its desire to continue working with Congress to improve existing federal funding sources like the State Revolving Funds (SRFs) and the Water Infrastructure Finance & Innovation Act (WIFIA) program and outlined ways in which NACWA can help advance those efforts.  Agency staff also highlighted their continued desire to see congressional support for integrated planning concepts. 

Additionally, NACWA and EPA discussed nutrient issues, including how the two organizations can collaborate on more innovative approaches to dealing with nutrient water quality impairment.  Senior political leaders at EPA have made nutrients a top priority – including approaches such as greater use of watershed solutions and water quality trading – and NACWA will be holding additional conversations with Agency staff on this topic in the next few weeks. 

Other items discussed at the meeting included affordability, wet weather, and blending.  NACWA appreciates the opportunity to engage with OWM on these important issues. 


Any members with questions can contact Chris Hornback or Nathan Gardner-Andrews.

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