Clean Water Current
Water Sector Coordinating Council Meets
(June 26, 2018) – The Water Sector Coordinating Council (WSCC) met last week to discuss a number of security and related issues impacting the water sector. Among the topics discussed was an update on the work of the WaterISAC and an “after action” report on the performance of the Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN) to recent natural disasters, including Hurricanes Harvey and Maria. The group also reviewed a decontamination and preparedness strategy for water utilities being developed by EPA.
The WSCC is a policy, strategy and coordination mechanism for the U.S. Water and Wastewater Systems Sector in interactions with the government and other sectors on critical infrastructure security and resilience issues. The WSCC coordinates and collaborates with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, state primacy administrators and other government agencies primarily through the Government Coordinating Council (GCC).
NACWA’s representatives on the WSCC are Karen Pallansch, Chief Executive Officer of Alexandria Renew Enterprises, and Adel Hagekhalil, Assistant Director of the City of Los Angeles – LA Sanitation.