Clean Water Current
NACWA Hosts Dialogue on Water Quality Trading Assessment
(June 19, 2018) - The National Network for Water Quality Trading (NNWQT), met in Washington, DC last week at NACWA’s office to discuss the Network’s progress in conducting an assessment of water quality trading demand, along with a review of trading barriers.
The NNWQT is a collaboration of diverse stakeholder groups developed to foster national dialogue on how water quality trading can best contribute to clean water goals. The ongoing assessment effort is planned to culminate in a report later this year. Numerous utilities, among them NACWA members, have provided input to the project team as the assessment advances.
The Network receives funding through the USDA National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), which serves as a technical advisory, and is coordinated by the Willamette Partnership. NACWA serves on the Network’s Steering Committee. For more information, contact Kristina Surfus, NACWA’s Legislative Director.