Clean Water Current
Communications Conference Provides Opportunity to Advance Advocacy Gains - Hotel Deadline May 17!
(May 15, 2018) - After a highly successful Water Week and National Water Policy Fly-In, we, as an Association of public clean water utilities, should work even harder to keep the advocacy momentum going. The Association’s clean water advocacy has made significant strides in elevating water issues in the public sphere – as the recent increases in federal clean water funding show. But a crucial factor in keeping the policy momentum and public attention building is a strong, strategic communications effort by every utility on the local level, not just nationally.
The upcoming clean water communications conference, Strategic Communications:H2O (StratComm), June 6-7, at the Palmer House Hilton, in Chicago, IL, is an opportunity for Member Utilities to individually and collectively plan and prepare to do just that. The hotel deadline is May 17, so make your plans now!
The high-powered StratComm agenda is designed not just to help utility communications professionals to become more effective at advocacy, but also to empower forward-thinking clean water leaders to take hold of their communications platform, maximize its resources, and direct it toward a valuable, measurable return on investment. And as each utility grows more effective at advancing its own goals and objectives, collectively, all Member Agencies can present a stronger, more unified voice in shaping the clean water landscape.
Please check out the StratComm website, and register today. Let’s continue to build on our success as a collective voice advocating on clean water policy!