Clean Water Current
EPA Administrator Testifies Before Senate, Highlights Focus on Lead in Drinking Water
(January 31, 2018) –U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt testified Jan. 30 on the agency’s agenda moving forward before a Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee oversight hearing. This is notable as it is the first time he has testified before the Senate since he was confirmed last February.
Administrator Pruitt’s testimony outlined the agency’s “Back to Basics” agenda, highlighting several issues before the EPA, including the goal of updating aging water and wastewater infrastructure systems. During his oral testimony, the Administrator also demonstrated a focus on addressing lead in drinking water, signaling this will be a key Office of Water priority.
NACWA appreciates the Administrator’s commitments to increased cooperative federalism and greater collaboration with local communities and stakeholders, including for compliance assistance and assurance; not using a one-size-fits-all strategy method to achieve environmental outcomes; and ensuring consistency and certainty for the regulated community.
NACWA looks forward to greater details on infrastructure investment when the Administration releases its long-awaited infrastructure proposal and Fiscal Year 2019 Budget in the coming weeks.
Please contact Jason Isakovic or Kristina Surfus, NACWA’s Legislative Directors, to discuss further.