
Clean Water Current

NACWA Supports Label Instructions for Swimming Pool Discharges

Dec 5, 2017

six(December 5, 2017) - NACWA supported EPA’s proposed label language for sodium, calcium, and potassium hypochlorite products, which are used in swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas, in comments submitted on November 21.  Since these products can potentially interfere with the biological processes used to treat wastewater or have adverse aquatic impacts if discharged into storm drains, the Association agreed with EPA’s proposed instructions stating, “Before draining a treated pool, spa, or hot tub, contact your local sanitary sewer and storm drain authorities and follow their discharge instructions.”

NACWA previously submitted similar comments on other chemicals used in swimming pools, lithium hypochlorite and boric acid.  While wastewater and stormwater utilities may have the ability to work with public and commercial swimming pool operators, it is much more difficult to regulate discharges from the millions of residential pools in the U.S.  NACWA has been working with the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) to advocate for appropriate labeling of pool chemicals as the first step in educating pool owners about proper drainage procedures.

NACWA members with concerns or comments about pesticide impacts on wastewater utilities should contact Cynthia Finley, NACWA Director, Regulatory Affairs.

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