Clean Water Current
Association Takes Pretreatment Message to New England
(October 31, 2017) - The New England Regional Pretreatment Coordinators Association (NERPCA) held its annual workshop October 25-26, with 150 attendees from public clean water utilities and state regulatory agencies. The workshop provides an opportunity for pretreatment professionals to learn about regulatory updates, hear case studies from other utilities, and network with one another. NACWA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs, Cynthia Finley, provided an update on the regulatory reform activities being undertaken by the current Administration. NACWA’s comments on regulatory reform at EPA were also highlighted, along with other recent NACWA activities.
NACWA’s annual National Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention Workshop has been set for May 15-18, 2018, in Providence, RI, with an optional training day scheduled for May 14. More information about the Workshop will be coming soon!