Clean Water Current
Concept Paper Outlining Arid State & Water Quantity Issues Finalized
(October 24, 2017) - NACWA has finalized a recent advocacy initiative, Incorporating Arid State and Water Quantity Priorities in NACWA’s Advocacy Agenda – a Concept Paper. This paper is the result of NACWA’s collaboration with the Western Coalition of Arid States (WESTCAS) on a variety of policies central to arid states.
This past summer, NACWA partnered with WESTCAS for a roundtable workshop in San Diego, CA, to discuss the unique perspectives and water resource challenges in the arid west, and also similar water supply issues that occur in other parts of the country including the southeast. During the discussions, it became clear that many of the water sector’s challenges extend beyond the arid west boarders and demand greater national attention.
The workshop sought insight from members on issues such as climate change and resiliency, regulatory improvement and Clean Water Act reform, affordability and funding, the “Utility of the Future” and technology, and the water quality and quantity nexus.
At this week’s Fall Leadership Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT, NACWA leadership will be unveiling the Concept Paper, as well as facilitating a robust discussion on arid state and water quantity issues. NACWA seeks to incorporate some of these central issues into its overall advocacy portfolio, and to update NACWA’s Strategic Plan to reflect these important national issues. NACWA will also be presenting the Concept Paper at the WESTCAS fall meeting in Tucson, AZ, on October 26.