
Clean Water Current

NACWA Brings National Voice to Regional Stormwater Conference

Oct 17, 2017

(October 17, 2017) - The Southeast Stormwater Association (SESWA) met last week in Louisville, KY for their 12th annual regional stormwater conference. Each year, this conference brings together stormwater professionals from throughout the southeastern United States to network and learn from each other. This year, discussions centered on key issues such as new initiatives in stormwater management, financing issues and ongoing challenges with MS4 permitting.

NACWA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs & Outreach, Emily Remmel, presented an update highlighting the Association’s legislative, regulatory and legal advocacy initiatives; as well as a brief overview of national stormwater trends. NACWA regularly collaborates with SESWA on regional stormwater issues and contributes a contemporary article on stormwater each month in their monthly newsletter. 

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