
Clean Water Current

New EPA Tool Helps Communities Access $10 Billion+ in Water Infrastructure Financing

Aug 1, 2017

sixIn an effort to help communities easily access water infrastructure finance information, EPA has launched a new Water Finance Clearinghouse, a web‐based portal to help communities make informed financing decisions for their drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure needs. EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center developed the Clearinghouse based on ideas derived from discussions between NACWA and EPA representatives. 

The Clearinghouse provides communities with a searchable database with more than $10 billion in water funding sources and over 550 resources to support local water infrastructure projects.  It features two searchable data sets: one focused on available federal, state, and local funding sources for water infrastructure and a second containing resources, such as reports, tools, webinars, etc. on financing mechanisms and approaches.

The Clearinghouse is updated in real-time, following a crowdsourcing model. States, federal agencies, and other water sector stakeholders have the option of suggesting edits, and new resources or funding options at any time through the Contributor Portal. Stakeholders can use this interactive feature to manage how their programs and initiatives are displayed in the Clearinghouse.  

For more information on the Clearinghouse, visit the EPA Website.  EPA is also offering webinars about how to use the Clearinghouse, one on each date listed below, at 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET.

  • August 3
  • August 14
  • August 18
  • August 24
  • August 31

Those interested in the webinars can register online.

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