Clean Water Current
Water Sector Groups Release Guide on Rate-Funded Assistance Programs
To assist low-income households in the U.S. with rising water and wastewater rates, NACWA partnered with six other leading water associations to issue a guide July 18 that assesses the feasibility of rate-funded customer assistance programs (CAPs) in each state. The guide, Navigating Legal Pathways to Rate-Funded Customer Assistance Programs, explores the differing legal frameworks that must be considered by utilities seeking to use rate revenue to fund programs that assist low-income customers.
Produced by the Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, the report was commissioned by the American Water Works Association, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, NACWA, National Association of Water Companies, Water Environment Federation, Water Environment & Reuse Foundation and the Water Research Foundation.
In addition to state-by-state summaries (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) of legal barriers and opportunities, the guide uses nine case studies at the utility level to highlight how CAPs were designed in light of relevant state regulations. The guide is available on the UNC Environmental Finance Center (EFC) webpage, which also includes an interactive map to allow users quicker access to the state-specific information.