
Clean Water Current

NACWA Requests EPA Review of Pet Flea Collar Pesticide

Jul 11, 2017
fourNACWA asked EPA, in its July 7 comments, to consider impacts on wastewater treatment and the aquatic environment, in its environmental risk assessment of pyrethroid insecticides, which are found in many consumer products such as pet flea control treatments, lice and scabies treatment, and impregnated clothing.  These products can be washed into the sewer system directly, or they can transfer to household and other surfaces and then be washed into the sewer.  Since wastewater treatment plants are not designed to remove insecticides, NACWA requested that EPA evaluate the implications of pyrethroid discharges, referencing the more detailed comments submitted by the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA).  NACWA members with concerns or comments about pesticide impacts on wastewater utilities should contact Cynthia Finley.
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