
Clean Water Current

NACWA Talks Stormwater at Oregon Conference

May 16, 2017

threeNACWA delivered a national advocacy update to stormwater professionals at the Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (ORACWA) Stormwater Summit in Eugene, OR last week. This annual summit hosts discussions on emerging issues such as state MS4 Phase II general permits, water quality issues, and green infrastructure initiatives.

Emily Remmel, NACWA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs, provided the update and gave a broad prospective on national legislative, regulatory, and legal initiatives that are of particular interest to MS4 communities. Among topics discussed were implementation progress in the wake of EPA’s recent Phase II stormwater rule and ongoing litigation over stormwater permits in New England that could have national implications for MS4 utilities.  The conference also provided opportunities to attend in-person tours of the City of Eugene’s and City of Springfield’s stormwater facilities, and to experience their green infrastructure in action.  NACWA thanks ORACWA for the invitation to participate and for the strong partnership our two organizations enjoy.  

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