Clean Water Current
Trump Address Mentions Clean Water; Work Needed to Tie it to Federal Infrastructure Initiative
President Donald Trump delivered his first address to Congress Tuesday night and called for help in rebuilding the nation's infrastructure. While the President noted the importance of promoting clean air and clean water, he did not specifically mention investment in water as one of his key areas of planned infrastructure investment. This omission highlights the need for the municipal clean water community to continuing making a strong case for federal water infrastructure investments, especially as part of the upcoming advocacy in Washington, DC around Water Week.
There were, however, positive developments on the water infrastructure front following the President’s speech. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is reportedly meeting with White House officials Wednesday to push for money to boost water infrastructure as part of the $1 Trillion dollar package the President referred to in his speech. “One of the things I’m emphasizing with the White House is that we shouldn’t just talk about infrastructure from a roads and bridges perspective,” said Pruitt in an interview following Mr. Trump’s address. “We need to be thinking about water infrastructure.”
The need for a greater push on water infrastructure investment makes the upcoming events around Water Week 2017 even more important. NACWA encourages all utilities to participate in this month’s Water Week 2017, National Water Policy Fly-in, and Rally for Water, to help elevate the importance of water as a national priority.
If you are interested helping call for water infrastructure investment, attend Water Week events, the Rally for Water and/or register for the National Water Policy Fly-in today.