
Strategic Communications: H2O
Virtual Event

June 1 - 2, 2020

NACWA's complimentary Strategic Communications Virtual Event will provide effective resources and tools for today’s clean water utility challenges.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced water communicators to confront unthinkable challenges, as well as providing unexpected opportunities to engage with ratepayers. Join us on Day 1 as we host a panel of experts to examine the crisis communications strategies deployed at the onset of the pandemic and the social media strategies used to engage with ratepayers in creative and novel ways. On Day 2, we’ll be reviewing the internal communications plans that have allowed workforces to operate remotely, then we’ll look to the future and discuss what a post-coronavirus future looks like for our communications departments.


Reaching Ratepayers During a Crisis

June 1, 2020  |  2:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET 

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Part 1: Coronavirus Crisis Communications

The COVID-19 pandemic has caught the attention of ratepayers like never before, shedding new light – and intense scrutiny – on the public clean water sector and the work it does. Hear from seasoned communications experts from the water sector on how they handled the crisis in the first hours, days and weeks of the pandemic.

Featured Speakers:

Jean Smith, Opening Remarks
Co-Chair, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Community and Media Relations Manager
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Cleveland, OH

Karen Hansen,
Beveridge & Diamond, PC
Austin, TX 

Vincent Morris

Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Communications and Government Relations Manager
DC Water
Washington, DC 

Tricia Garrison
Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Public Affairs & Education Manager
NEW Water
Green Bay, WI

Part 2: Social Media Examples and Lessons Learned

Then, join our team of social media savants to learn how they engaged with ratepayers as the crisis unfolded. Social media managers across the country found creative ways to message around the importance of not flushing wipes, as well as a unique opportunity to frame the clean water workforce as an essential government service. Learn from the best as they share examples, lessons learned and what you can apply to your utilities’ communications plan.

Featured Speakers:

Houston Spencer, Moderator
Vice President, Public Affairs & Media Relations
Xylem, Inc.
Rye Brook, NY

John Gonzalez

Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Manager, Communications
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Cleveland, OH

Franchesca Thompson
Digital Communications Manager
DC Water
Washington, DC

Communicating with Personnel During and After the Pandemic

June 2, 2020  |  2:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET

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Part 1: Internal Communications

Our members were forced to react with lightning speed to create internal communications plans as the pandemic set it. In a matter of days, entire workforces went remote, essential personnel were designated and communications plans were reconfigured to match the crisis. In this webinar, we’ll share examples and discuss what worked, what didn’t, and how our members can be more prepared going forward.

Featured Speakers:

Bess McCoy, Opening Remarks
Co-Chair, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Public Affairs Specialist
Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
St. Louis, MO

Maria Rosales-Ramirez,
Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Senior Engineer
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Whittier, CA

Monica Billger

Community Outreach and Education Specialist
Alexandria Renew Enterprises
Alexandria, VA

Michelle Zdrodowski
Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Chief Public Affairs Officer
Great Lakes Water Authority
Detroit, MI

Stephanie Dillon
Communications Management Professional
Great Lakes Water Authority
Detroit, MI

Part 2: What Comes Next

As the COVID-19 curve is flattened across the country, our workforce will return to their offices and regularly scheduled programming will resume. This webinar will discuss how a communications office can plan for this, from coordinating with personnel to finding new - and positive - ways to keep the public’s attention now that we have it.

Featured Speakers:

Victoria Johnson, Moderator
Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Management Consultant, Business & Finance
Atlanta, GA

Rebecca Zito

Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Communications Project Manager
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority
Pittsburgh, PA

Pamela Perez
Member, NACWA Communications & Public Affairs Committee
Marketing Manager
City of Los Angeles - LA Sanitation
Los Angeles, CA


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