
Clean Water Current

NACWA Discusses Affordability & Funding with California Members; Supports DC Water in Oversight Hearing

Mar 5, 2019

(March 5, 2019) - NACWA spoke as part of a panel of experts last week at the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) annual DC member Fly-In.

Raising water to an equal priority along with transportation and energy in any federal infrastructure funding bill and the federal role in helping municipalities meet growing affordability challenges topped the priorities that NACWA encouraged the California utilities to take to the Hill. NACWA thanks CASA for the special working relationship that the organizations have developed, which helps advance priorities both nationally and in the state of California. 

Also last week, NACWA testified in support of its member DC Water at an annual oversight hearing conducted by the utility’s city council. NACWA, along with many other witnesses, underscored the important role of the utility and its leader, David Gadis, in being a true “Utility of the Future,” focused on resource recovery and the best in customer/ratepayer services.  

NACWA takes enormous pride in being able to speak on behalf of the unmatched public service provided by its public agency members and, in this case, the unique and special relationship between NACWA and DC Water, which has a special voice due to its task of providing water and clean water services to Congress and the suite of federal agencies within the Nation’s Capital. 

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