
Clean Water Current

NACWA Requests that EPA Adjust 2018 Renewable Fuel Standard Goals

Sep 5, 2017

fourNACWA sent comments to the EPA on August 31 asking the Agency to increase the required 2018 volume of cellulosic and advanced biofuels for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program.  Clean water agencies can participate in the RFS program by producing renewable compressed natural gas (CNG) from their biogas. 

Although significant investments are needed to produce CNG, the revenue currently available from the RFS program can make CNG production financially beneficial.  However, if EPA lowers the required volumes for 2018, the prices for the credits that utilities can sell will drop.  In its comments, NACWA explained the potential production of CNG at utilities and urged EPA to raise its proposed 2018 requirements to allow utilities the required time and price certainty to continue developing CNG projects.

NACWA members that are participating in the RFS program or who have an interest in learning more are encouraged to contact Cynthia Finley.

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