fall meeting

NACWA Outside & In . . . A 2020 Vision for Clean Water

NACWA's Fall Strategic Leadership Meeting provides a unique annual opportunity for the Association's Board of Directors and standing committee and workgroup leaders to engage in strategic discussions focused on the future. With the theme of NACWA Outside & In . . . A 2020 Vision for Clean Water, we will explore both our internal organization, practices and focus – and our external relationships with strategic partners, regulators, and legislators.  With 2020 in our sights we’ll revisit and refocus our strategic advocacy agenda and our ongoing and evolving work to position clean water utilities as catalysts for positive change and the drivers of sustainable environmental and economic benefits.  We will also examine whether NACWA should increase its role as a unique forum for utility leaders and executives to engage with one another, learn from one another, and problem solve with one another as they continue to lead their agencies as 21st century Utilities of the Future.  As a NACWA leader, please plan now to attend this important opportunity to share your perspectives, engage in strategic discussions, and position the Association for future success.

Please email Ebony Scott for the Participant List