
Rehoboth stormwater task force focuses on funding

Nov 28, 2022

After months of discussion, a Rehoboth Beach task force created to examine the need for a stormwater utility has reached a consensus on a billing method that would see the typical residential property pay more than $400 a year, while nonresidential properties could pay thousands.

Rehoboth has been moving toward the creation of a stormwater utility for years. In 2018, through a Resilient Communities Partnership Grant, Rehoboth analyzed impervious surface coverage; the study showed an increase in impervious surface area in Rehoboth due to the redevelopment of residential properties.

In March 2020, the city hired AECOM, an international infrastructure consulting firm, to assess funding levels and develop options for addressing shortfalls, and assist in developing a stormwater utility. Earlier this year, the task force was formed, with the group meeting monthly ever since.

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