
Clean Water Current

NACWA Board of Directors Welcomes New At-Large Member and Discusses Advocacy Priorities for 2021

Oct 29, 2020

(October 29, 2020) – Immediately following yesterday’s Awards Ceremony and 50th Anniversary Commemoration, NACWA’s Board of Directors convened for its Fall meeting to conduct Association business and discuss key advocacy priorities for the upcoming year.

To start the meeting, Barbara Biggs, General Manager of the Roxborough Water & Sanitation District in Colorado, was unanimously appointed to NACWA’s Board of Directors to fill a recently vacated At-Large seat. Barbara has participated in NACWA for many years, including in committee leadership roles, and the Association is thrilled to welcome her to the Board.  

After completing a review of Association finances and business, Board members held a roundtable discussion to explore what issues NACWA should focus on following next week’s election. Among the topics discussed, Board members were overwhelmingly in favor of continuing NACWA’s push to establish federal low-income water assistance programs as an important way to directing federal funding to the clean water sector. The need to continue focusing on affordability challenges in new and innovative ways was also discussed, and a new Board Task Force will be formed to help direct these efforts.   

Other topics addressed included a renewed focus on workforce issues and water equity and economic factors, particularly in light of the national spotlight on social justice measures. To this end, Board members suggested finding areas where investment in water infrastructure can also help address issues of economic inequity and social inequality. PFAS challenges were also discussed. 

The NACWA Board thanks all of NACWA’s members for their continued support of the Association, especially during these challenging times, and is working hard to ensure NACWA has a strong and successful year going forward. 

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