
Clean Water Current

Congress Home on Recess – Talk to Your Members About Clean Water Today!

Mar 19, 2019

1513307200096(March 19, 2019) - Members of Congress are home in their states and districts this week during a congressional recess, making this the perfect time for your utility to reach out to your federal elected officials and educate them on the importance of what you do every day to protect public health and the environment in your community. 

If your utility has federal elected officials on the key House and/or Senate committees of jurisdiction over clean water issues, you outreach is even more vital.  NACWA’s Congressional Toolbox is a helpful resource to facilitate this engagement. 

Over the past few years, strong advocacy by NACWA members has played an important role in advancing key legislation into law such as the 2018 Farm Bill, codifying EPA’s Integrated Planning Framework, and increased appropriations for the SRFs and other federal water infrastructure funding programs. 

As this new Congress looks to advance bipartisan legislation to reauthorize and increase CWSRF funding and a comprehensive infrastructure package with water as a priority, NACWA member engagement will continue to be crucial. 

Member engagement and advocacy can be done through reaching out to your Representatives and Senators to invite them to take a facility tour, meeting with them and their staffs when visiting Washington, DC or in your local district to discuss key policy priorities, or connecting with their state staff to make them aware of specific local issues and impacts.

For more information or questions regarding outreach, please contact Kristina Surfus or Jason Isakovic, NACWA’s Legislative Directors.

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