
Clean Water Current

EPA Responds to NACWA Outreach to Administrator Pruitt; Meeting Being Scheduled

Apr 4, 2017

twoNACWA is finalizing the details for a mid-April meeting with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and key staff to discuss the Association’s priority issues.  NACWA wrote to congratulate Mr. Pruitt after his confirmation as Administrator back in February, requesting a meeting and forwarding an earlier letter to then President-Elect Trump, which highlighted four main advocacy focus areas: 1) Increased funding for clean water infrastructure; 2) Addressing affordability and low income challenges; 3) Advancing responsible regulatory reform; and 4) Promoting water sector innovation.

EPA’s response to NACWA’s February 21 letter, authored by Mike Shapiro, Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water, stressed that the “Clean Water and Drinking Water SRFs are core programs that support EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment,” and noted that “[c]ontinued investment in the nation’s water infrastructure is a priority.”  NACWA will update membership on the discussions with Mr. Pruitt’s team following the meeting.

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