Past President's Message

I believe NACWA is in an excellent position to continue to grow, prosper and make significant advocacy advances on behalf of its members.

This has been an exciting year to serve the Association and its members, as we have achieved so much in the face of complex policy, financial and political challenges.

I want to thank my predecessor Tom Sigmund for his commitment to leadership by example and extend my thanks to Diane Taniguchi-Dennis for her support, creativity, and good humor as my trusted VP. I know that the Association will continue to prosper under her visionary leadership now that she has taken over as President.

Throughout this report you have read about the many accomplishments NACWA achieved over the past year through your direct engagement and support. However, I want to highlight and re-emphasize some key principles that were foundational to NACWA’s advocacy and peer-to-peer efforts that allowed for our success!

  • NACWA’s members are positioned as shining examples of public stewardship and true environmentalism;

  • Sound science and engineering principles are adhered to in every national policymaking effort; 
  • Ratepayer affordability is the core consideration in any policymaking and is the cornerstone of environmental justice; and

  • The actual polluters, who profited – not the utility customers — must pay for environmental and public health impacts their products cause.


With these principles as our guideposts, we accomplished so much over the past year. I am perhaps most proud of initiating the broadest communications and messaging effort in the Association’s history, focused on elevating the vital role and maximizing the influence of public utilities.  

I believe NACWA is in an excellent position to continue to grow, prosper and make significant advocacy advances on behalf of its members.

Thank you to all my fellow NACWA members for your tireless support of me and for your efforts reaching out to your Members of Congress, EPA and key stakeholders throughout this past year. Our success is only a reflection of your efforts. 

OJ McFoy

2023 - 2024 Past President
Oluwole 'OJ' McFoy
General Manager
Buffalo Sewer Authority
Buffalo, NY

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