NACWA is on the frontlines every day working to ensure that our utility members’ voices are heard in Congress, at U.S. EPA and other federal agencies, in the media, and increasingly in the courtrooms across the country. NACWA is telling your stories and focusing attention on the essential service you provide to your communities and the environment. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that sound science and engineering as well as rational, sustainable economic and affordability considerations are at the core of all federal regulatory, legal, and legislative policymaking.

Elevating Our Role: Ensuring Equal Partnership in Clean Water

Shaping the Narrative: Advocating for Rational PFAS Solutions

Guiding the Sector: Our Influence on Legal and Regulatory Initiatives

Bridging the Divide: Ensuring Equitable and Increased Federal Funding

Strength in Unity: Amplifying National Advocacy Priorities
Clean water professionals at 453 Member Organizations receiving communications and engaging with Association resources.
130+ M
People who are served 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year by NACWA’s 350 Public Agency Members, who are clean water heroes and environmental guardians.
New members added, resulting in 350 Public Agencies, 62 Corporate Affiliates, 24 Legal Affiliates, 13 Supporting Affiliates, and 4 Public Utility Affiliates. See Full Membership List
Shaping the Clean Water Narrative
It is a critical time for clean water and the role of impactful communications cannot be overstated. As the sector faces a myriad of challenges, it is more important than ever that our message resonates broadly — from the halls of Congress to the Nation’s classrooms, NACWA and its membership will proudly lead the charge.

Power Through Engagement
Total number of events, spanning conferences, workshops, seminars, committee and workgroup meetings, regional utility executive dialogues, webinars, and collaborative water sector events. View Upcoming Events
Number of event attendees, 31% of whom were first-time event participants. The growing number of newcomers emphasizes the unique value the Association brings in fostering peer-to-peer connections and attracting and retaining a modern workforce.
Engaged members across 20 workgroups and committees, connecting via virtual meetings and the NACWA online peer-to-peer portal, Engage. View NACWA Committees
Amplifying Member Achievements

Awards Spotlight
NACWA features the innovation of its award-winning utility members through Member Spotlight publications on the website and social media posts – promoting best practices and the sharing of new ideas to address common clean water challenges.

Honoring Excellence
This year NACWA was honored to recognize:
- 510 Member Agency Treatment Facilities with Peak Performance Awards
- 181 Treatment Facilities for perfect NPDES compliance for 5 to 35 years; and
- 27 Member Agencies in 9 categories with National Environmental Achievement Awards
Elevating Your Return on Investment

Past President's Message