This year, NACWA is partnering with the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) to bring you the latest developments and analysis of the national, state and local issues affecting pretreatment programs from the perspective of both utilities and regulators.
Join your peers virtually for the popular roundtable sessions discussing the latest EPA region and pretreatment issues. Then, hear from featured experts who will examine the following hot topics:
- PFAS Developments
- Marijuana Industry and the Potential Impact on Pretreatment
- FOG: Strategies for Investigations and Lessons Learned
- CROMERR Compliance: Bringing Pretreatment into the Digital Age
- Breaking Down Barriers: EPA, States, and POTWs as Co-Regulators.
*Please make requests to Ebony Scott for the Speaker Handouts

Schedule at a Glance
Why Attend?
- Take advantage of this unique opportunity to engage your fellow clean water colleagues.
- Enjoy the opportunity to speak with EPA officials and others in your EPA Region to discuss similar priorities.
- Focus on the topics that matter most to you during roundtable discussions on pretreatment issues.
*Not a member? Contact Ebony Scott for the Participant List
Register Now
Federal/State Government*0
Registration Information
You may register for the 2021 National Pretreatment Virtual Event above.
Full Event registration fees include access to all available session handouts, speaker biographies, as well as a recording of each session.
*If you are an ACWA Member, please register on ACWA’s website.
All-Conference Sponsors
Clean Water Champions
Clean Water Stewards
Clean Water Protectors